BSU Election Results

Wyatt Park and Molly George won the top executive slots in this years ASBSU election, their victory was announced Friday at a noon-time ceremony. The Park/George victory keeps the student executive in the hands of The Orange Party, which was founded last year by current ASBSU President Joe Holladay. The winning ticket scored only 31 more votes then their closest rival, the Bronco Party ticket of Tim Flaherty and LaTisha Clark, which received 720 votes. The independent Ormond/Holdaway ticket, which I endorsed, came in 3rd with 565 votes according to the Arbiter. Well looks like student political parties are here to stay and thats to bad, I do take some comfort though that Park won out over Flaherty who is currently under investigation for violating a confidentiality agreement, Tim is also in the process of paying back thousands of dollars 'he is said to have' embezzled from the school. Wyatt Parks criminal history consists mostly of drunken fights including "attacking a linen van", which is a story I'd just love to hear in detail.
In other election news all three Senators who abstained from voting for a new veterans memorial on campus, they were the only three in the Senate who didn't vote for it, were not re-elected. This has made my friend Jackson really happy as he's on his way to being an officer and helped write the legislation with Britton and Art. Their proposal calls for the new veterans memorial to be included inside the expanded Student Union building which is now in the early stages of planning. Campuses original veterans memorial was removed to make room for a new building some time ago,the current memorial is small and out of the way. Any new veterans memorial is still years away.
Also the Ormonds had their baby girl Thursday morning, I belive she weighed more then 9 pounds.
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