Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Confrence Weekend

Thought I'd just post a few words on this last weekends LDS General Conference. Well I made it down to the Salt Lake area to attend what will be my last mission reunion for the next five years (the president and his wife decided to cease the reunions as yearly practice now that were about five years on from his release). Anyway it was fun to see some of the Elders again, I can't believe Eggli named his daughter Yazzi. Also Shout out to Cam Palmer for reading my blog. Anyway I stayed with the Hortons as I usually do, and we made it down town on Saturday to visit one of my favorite places in the world, and I know I should be referencing Temple Square here but I'm actually talking about Sam Weller's Zion Bookstore. We did walk around Temple Square while we where there though, just prior to the conference meeting in which they rededicated the Tabernacle. As for the talks, I listened to the broadcasts a little sporadically as I was traveling or doing other things, but the ones that stick out to me include Elder Oaks on divorce, and Elder Wurthlin talking about High School football games he played in the 1930's. Also whats an LDS General Conference without excessive speculation on President Hinckly's health, notice how he said 'goodbye' at the end of the Sunday afternoon session and not 'see you next confrence'. Finally I must say that while I have grown cynical about a lot of things as regards to the Church, Presidents Monson's story about the little girl in the Tabernacle balcony really touched me. Despite subscriptions to The Nation ans Sunstone I remain a sentimental Mormon.


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