Another Day With Jack

A Boxed-Set Review
24 season 2 is some intense viewing for a program that came out of network television. Unlike the first season of this real-time action show, season 2 was completely plotted out before it began so that it runs smoother and is more tightly pact with character and story elements. This time Jack has to come out of early retirement to help President Palmer stop a nuclear device from detonating in Los Angels. However in true 24 style what you think the show is about turns out to be only half of it. There are some very satisfying arcs here for George Mason and Mrs. Palmer though the entire regular cast gets a chance to shine. I was particularly impressed with Sara Wynter as Kate Warner, a character who was used effectively throughout the whole season though at first I thought they wouldn't be able to come up with enough story for her. Year two, I'm sorry day two, leaves you pumped for day 3 which I'm sure I'll get too once I feel fully recovered from this rather long 24 hours.
A film I've seen recently: The Lost World is a silent 1925 adaptation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyles story of an expedition to find modern dinosaurs in the Amazon. This motion picture is notable primarily for its then cutting edge special effects, including some choppy stop-motion work, pretty good ape-man make-up, use of forced perspective, and some decent models. The acting is standard for silent cinema but the movie is short (less then an hour) so that its watchable for even those who aren't big fans of silent movies.
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