Saturday, March 18, 2006

Oleg Cassini Dies

In Memory

Oleg Cassini, fashion icon who once designed costumes in Hollywoods golden age and helped invent Jacqueline Kennedy's look, died yesterday less then one month shy of his 93rd birthday. I bring this up not because I'm any kind of a fashion freak, but because Cassini was once married to actress Gene Tierney whom I had already selected as Aprils dead celebrity of the month. Cassini, a consummate ladys man was also once engaged to Grace Kelly.


At 7:06 AM, Blogger Jax said...

Nate, I have nothing to say about the tragic loss of... um, wait, Oleg? What the heck kind of name is Oleg? Anyway, I wanted to let you know that the issue regarding pictures is probably with blogger and not your computer but they should be aware of it and get it fixed pretty soon. If not, let me know and we'll see what we can find out. You might also want to try to used another computer to post a picture just to make sure.

Second, I would love to see a McCain Romney ticket!

Finally, the Spanish viceroyalty would be willing to hear whatever terms of peace the Confederate Senate might be able to get the Portuguese to think about but I just don't know how much we can trust them!


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